Legal Information
Data & Facts
General information according to § 5 ECG
Service provider
Sportresort Hohe Salve GmbH
Meierhofgasse 26
6361 Hopfgarten im Brixental
Meierhofgasse 26
6361 Hopfgarten im Brixental
Managing director:
Egon Kahr
Trade register number:
FN 286454g
ATU 63014268
Steuer Nummer:

Website realization
- Web design
- Web concept
- Technical implementation
- Creation and input of content
- SEO and SEA
Photo credits
- Klemens König (Sportressort Hohe Salve GmbH)
- Johannes Kogler (Sportressort Hohe Salve GmbH)
- Lukas Rubisoier (Sportressort Hohe Salve GmbH)
- Dominic Ebenbichler (Sportressort Hohe Salve GmbH)
- Defrancesco (Sportressort Hohe Salve GmbH)
- Manfred Weis (Sportressort Hohe Salve GmbH)
- Mirja Geh (TVB Kitzbüheler Alpen)
- Stefan Astner (TVB Kitzbüheler Alpen)
- Hannes Dabernig (TVB Kitzbüheler Alpen)
- Stefan Herbke (TVB Kitzbüheler Alpen)
- Norbert Eisele-Hein (TVB Kitzbüheler Alpen)
- Kurt Tropper (TVB Kitzbüheler Alpen)
- W9 Studios (Skiwelt Wider Kaiser-Brixental)
- Anton Nolf (Tirol Werbung)
- Ilvy Rodler (Tirol Werbung)
- Bernhard Aichner (Tirol Werbung)
- Pixabay
- Simon Beizaee (TVB Kitzbüheler Alpen)
- Silvia Seebacher (TVB Kitzbüheler Alpen)
- Christina Ehammer (TVB Kitzbüheler Alpen)
- Krings Maren (TVB Kitzbüheler Alpen)
- Lolin (Kufsteinerland)
- Torsten Mühlbacher Photography (TVB Kitzbüheler Alpen)
- Mathäus Gartner (TVB Kitzbüheler Alpen)
Member of the Austrian Chamber of Commerce (WKO), the Tyrol Chamber of Commerce (WKT) – Tourism and Leisure Industries branch Kitzbühel district
Sportresort Hohe Salve GmbH is a Pletzer Group company
Gender note
For better readability, the generic maculinum is used for personal names and personal nouns on this website. Corresponding terms apply to all genders in the sense of equality. This form of language is for editorial reasons only and does not imply any valuation.